School Trips

The Benefits of Educational Visits

“I don’t remember what I did at 3pm, in English, on a wet Wednesday in November, nor any of the content of my maths O level (don’t tell Rishi!) but I still, at my advanced age, remember the trip to the Tower of London, examining artefacts, dressing up in robes and holding an orb and sceptre. I can clearly recall how seeing a puppet show at The Unicorn Theatre, whilst still at primary school, confirmed for me that theatre was magic. I slogged through my A level Theatre Studies and queued, at 5am, with my teacher, on the South Bank for Day Seats to The National’s production of ‘The Mysteries’- Brian Glover, as God, with his miner’s helmet illuminating The Cottesloe. These experiences have stuck with me. The ‘sense memory’ they created nourished me through not just my education, but my life- indeed my 83 year old dad still lights up when recalling Richard Burton’s Hamlet at the Old Vic. More recently the joy experienced by school groups has been a reminder of the longevity such experiences have in our hearts and our minds- The Lycee group of nursery tots exclaiming when they realised the collection of bright pieces of paper was actually “l’escargot”, the school students loving Yinka Shonibare’s waxed cloth, gun wielding fox at Yorkshire Sculpture Park- all of these moments that make education, life lessons and feelings ‘stick’. Every consent form, risk assessment, early start, sweaty cheese sandwich eaten in light drizzle and hyper vigilant state in the gift shop is worth it for the impact it leaves- the transformatory nature of cultural experiences, for every child and young person, whether or not their life is spent in arts and culture, is worth the bother. Thank you all for bothering.”

Liz Leek
Fusion Chair and Deputy Principal Culture, Place & Communities at Barnsley College

According to the Barnsley Council website

“Learning outside the classroom is an important part of children and young people’s educational entitlement.  It helps them learn new skills, gives them new responsibilities and provides personal, social and educational experiences that aren’t available in the classroom.

Outdoor activities and educational visits give youngsters a chance of adventure, to share new experiences and to solve problems alongside their peers. They also teach them to become more aware of risk, safety and personal responsibility in controlled and supervised conditions.

Barnsley Museums Schools and Formal Learning Offer

“Barnsley Museums provides innovative ways to explore our sites, objects and outdoor spaces through inspiring and engaging learning programmes which challenge and delight pupils of all ages.

Our museums and heritage sites provide unique opportunities for children to explore extraordinary spaces through immersive and enriching activities. Be inspired by our unique buildings, landscapes and objects, and discover how arts and culture can support you to teach a Creative Curriculum.”

Visit their website to view their latest brochure and to find out more information about their offer, which includes:

  • In-person workshops (both at the Museums and as Outreach sessions)
  • Self-led visits at Barnsley Museum venues
  • Loan boxes
  • Online workshops
Click the button below to find out more about Barnsley Museums Schools and Formal Learning Offer.

Barnsley Museums Schools Gallery

‘The class thoroughly enjoyed their time in the museum. Staff were extremely helpful and friendly and went above and beyond to give the children the best experience whilst there. The children have returned to school with huge smiles, and lots to talk about. It was the perfect end to our Victorians topic. Thank you to all for creating such a lovely experience for the children.’ – Victorian Kitchen
‘By far the best trip we have been on. The children loved every part of it and were engaged in everything. It was brilliant.’ – WW2

‘Super morning – relevant to our learning objectives. Well-structured sessions. Children wanted to do more!’ – Egypt

Grimm&Co (Rotherham)

Our school writing workshops:

Normally, for three mornings each week, Grimm & Co opens its doors to welcome students from primary and secondary school settings. The half-day workshops are bursting with high energy, with engaging and other-worldly activities to delight both mortals and magical beings alike!

Our aim is to ignite imaginations, build creative writing skills, develop confidence in writing and motivate children and young people to pen their very own stories. The session concludes with an authentic, purposeful output, resulting in the students leaving as authors!”

To find out more about the workshops on offer (including testimonials), please click the button below:

Grimm&Co Gallery

Become a FUSION member

Follow the link below and submit the form, and one of the FUSION team will be in touch shortly to discuss.

Barnsley Fusion Presentation
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